Applicants must be between the ages of 16 – 21 years.
I Do Have A Leaving Certificate at Foundation level ?
Yes – you are eligible
I Have No Qualifications?
I Have No Qualifications? Yes – you are eligible
Having no qualifications does not prevent you from obtaining a place on the course.
I'm under 18.Are you eligible for an ETB (Education Training Board) Training Allowance?
Yes – you are entitled to an ETB Training Allowance
Leaving Certificate Applied
Completed Leaving Certificate Applied but finding it difficult to gain employment? Yes you are eligible
I'm Over 18
To qualify for a Training Allowance you must be in receipt of any of the following payments:
- Jobseekers Benefit/Allowance
- One Parent Family Allowance
- Disability Benefit
We Are Here
Thurles Community Training Centre,
Cabra road,
E41 Y6V0
Working Hours
Monday – Thursday: 9:00 – 5:00
Friday: 9:00 – 2:00
Phone: 0504 21592
Email: info@thurlesctc.ie